
Oscars Drinking Game

Gearing up for Oscars? Love 'em or hate 'em, this drinking game will make it much more tolerable!

Oscars Drinking Game


  • Someone in the audience has a really obvious emotional reaction (disappointment, shock, happiness)
  • A silent movie joke is made
  • The orchestra cuts off an acceptance speech
  • The acceptor remarks on the orchestra's cutting off his or her acceptance speech
  • Someone says "wow"
  • You realize Meryl Streep is your hero (so the whole thing? -- Ed.)
  • Take an extra drink when you realize you're drinking because you're bored
  • Waterfall during the montage of dead celebrities
  • If your pick for a given category wins, give a drink
  • If your pick for a given category loses, take a drink

(thanks Lucile!)


Super Bowl XLVI Drinking Game!


Here at Drinking With Rules, we're gearing up for the Super Bowl and rooting for our hometown Pats! But Giants or Pats fan, everyone can get down with these rules to toast to victory or ease the agony of defeat!

Drink once for every:

- interception
- sack
- flag
- incomplete pass
- touchdown
- first down 
- announcer advertisement for a tv show after the game
- tattoo you can read
- man so fat you wonder how he can run
- touchdown dance

Bonus Rules
- 2 drinks for a 2 pt conversion
- finish your drink on a challenge

We'd love to hear some suggestions for the halftime game! We will be live-updating, so bring them on!