
Vintage Drinking Game

Our loyal follower / compatriot / friend Lucile was recently abroad in Amsterdam and found this relic of a drinking game in the Rijksmuseum!

Still life with tall beer glass
Jan Jansz van de Velde
oil on panel, 1647

The text is referring to the above painting and reads:
The most striking object in this painting is the tall pasglas, a special beer glass which was part of a drinking game popular in the 17th century. When it was your turn, you had to drink just to the next ring -- no simple task for someone who had already had a few. If you missed that ring, you had to keep going until you the next one.

Sounds awesome! Where can we buy one of those glasses? We'd love to hear how you would update it (if at all)!

Dealbreakers and Dealmakers

Grab your friends and check out this spin on Never Have I Ever!

1. Ladies and/or Gents sit around in a circle

2. Each person goes around and says one DEALBREAKER and one DEALMAKER.
(Dealbreaker being defined as something that, if revealed in conversation in a bar would make you flee. Dealmaker is something that would make you take that person home immediately.)
3. For each dealbreaker / dealmaker stated, the following happens:
  • If you AGREE with the statement, do NOT drink.
  • If you DISAGREE with the statement, DRINK.
  • If NO ONE agrees with the person's statement, said person has to drink.
4. If you cheat and help someone think of a dealbreaker or maker, you have to chug the rest of your drink.

(Thanks EB, Janna, Erin, Erin, Emily and Caitlin for this one!)


Slap Cup

You'll Need:
-- 6+ players
-- 2 Pingpong Balls
-- 27 solo cups.
-- A table
-- Mad beers


1. Put the 27 cups the middle of the table. You can arrange them as you see fit, but they should all be closely clustered together and not spread out. There should be room in front of everyone playing also. Each cup should be filled with 1/3 of the way of beer. (You know, like every other cup based drinking game ever)

2. Two players across from each other grab a cup of beer and a ping pong ball. They chug the beer in the cup, and then try to bounce the ball into the cup they just drained.

3. Two things can happen here:
a) If it takes you more than one shot to get the ball into the cup, you pass the cup to the person to your LEFT.
b) If you bounce the ball into the cup the FIRST TRY, you can pass the cup to any person in the circle. (Hint: You want to try pass it to the person behind the person still shooting.)

4. When two people are trying to bounce the ball into the cup, and no one is in between them, things get real. If you get the ball into the cup BEFORE the person to your left (who is also bouncing), SLAP THEIR CUP OFF THE TABLE. You then pass the cup and the ball to the next person to the left.

5. If you just got your cup slapped, grab a cup of beer from the middle, keep your ping pong ball, chug your beer and start bouncing again.

Got it? Get ready to never want to play flip cup again.

Other variations include: Putting a full cup of beer in the center of cluster of cups, so it is the 'last cup' and whoever loses must drink it.