Rihanna - We Found Love (feat Calvin Harris)
YouTube Link (opens in new window)
Drink Every Time --
-- Drugs and/or Alcohol is referenced
-- Someone is not wearing a shirt / pants
-- Rihanna pukes streamers
-- "Mine" tattooed on the butt
Robyn - Dancing On My Own
YouuTube Link (opens in new window)
Drink Every Time --
-- She punches
-- Someone is making out / she makes out with herself
-- Fog Machine
-- The shot changes but she is still doing the same dance move
-- You want to make out with Robyn oh wait that's the whole video
Hocus Pocus
It's that time of year! Pre-game your Halloween parties or any time this movie comes on ABC Family with this drinking game!
Drink Every Time...
-- They say virgin
-- Someone sings
-- Pre nosejob Sarah Jessica Parker hits on a teenage boy / anyone
-- 20th century fools 17th century witches
-- Excessively 90s fashion
-- Excessively 90s slang
-- Parents just don't understand
-- There is a sexual joke
-- Spells
Good luck!!
Vintage Drinking Game
Our loyal follower / compatriot / friend Lucile was recently abroad in Amsterdam and found this relic of a drinking game in the Rijksmuseum!
The text is referring to the above painting and reads:
Sounds awesome! Where can we buy one of those glasses? We'd love to hear how you would update it (if at all)!
The most striking object in this painting is the tall pasglas, a special beer glass which was part of a drinking game popular in the 17th century. When it was your turn, you had to drink just to the next ring -- no simple task for someone who had already had a few. If you missed that ring, you had to keep going until you the next one.
Sounds awesome! Where can we buy one of those glasses? We'd love to hear how you would update it (if at all)!
Dealbreakers and Dealmakers
Grab your friends and check out this spin on Never Have I Ever!
1. Ladies and/or Gents sit around in a circle
2. Each person goes around and says one DEALBREAKER and one DEALMAKER.
(Thanks EB, Janna, Erin, Erin, Emily and Caitlin for this one!)
1. Ladies and/or Gents sit around in a circle
2. Each person goes around and says one DEALBREAKER and one DEALMAKER.
(Dealbreaker being defined as something that, if revealed in conversation in a bar would make you flee. Dealmaker is something that would make you take that person home immediately.)3. For each dealbreaker / dealmaker stated, the following happens:
- If you AGREE with the statement, do NOT drink.
- If you DISAGREE with the statement, DRINK.
- If NO ONE agrees with the person's statement, said person has to drink.
(Thanks EB, Janna, Erin, Erin, Emily and Caitlin for this one!)
Slap Cup
You'll Need:
-- 6+ players
-- 2 Pingpong Balls
-- 27 solo cups.
-- A table
-- Mad beers
1. Put the 27 cups the middle of the table. You can arrange them as you see fit, but they should all be closely clustered together and not spread out. There should be room in front of everyone playing also. Each cup should be filled with 1/3 of the way of beer. (You know, like every other cup based drinking game ever)
2. Two players across from each other grab a cup of beer and a ping pong ball. They chug the beer in the cup, and then try to bounce the ball into the cup they just drained.
3. Two things can happen here:
a) If it takes you more than one shot to get the ball into the cup, you pass the cup to the person to your LEFT.
b) If you bounce the ball into the cup the FIRST TRY, you can pass the cup to any person in the circle. (Hint: You want to try pass it to the person behind the person still shooting.)
4. When two people are trying to bounce the ball into the cup, and no one is in between them, things get real. If you get the ball into the cup BEFORE the person to your left (who is also bouncing), SLAP THEIR CUP OFF THE TABLE. You then pass the cup and the ball to the next person to the left.
5. If you just got your cup slapped, grab a cup of beer from the middle, keep your ping pong ball, chug your beer and start bouncing again.
Got it? Get ready to never want to play flip cup again.
Other variations include: Putting a full cup of beer in the center of cluster of cups, so it is the 'last cup' and whoever loses must drink it.
-- 6+ players
-- 2 Pingpong Balls
-- 27 solo cups.
-- A table
-- Mad beers
1. Put the 27 cups the middle of the table. You can arrange them as you see fit, but they should all be closely clustered together and not spread out. There should be room in front of everyone playing also. Each cup should be filled with 1/3 of the way of beer. (You know, like every other cup based drinking game ever)
2. Two players across from each other grab a cup of beer and a ping pong ball. They chug the beer in the cup, and then try to bounce the ball into the cup they just drained.
3. Two things can happen here:
a) If it takes you more than one shot to get the ball into the cup, you pass the cup to the person to your LEFT.
b) If you bounce the ball into the cup the FIRST TRY, you can pass the cup to any person in the circle. (Hint: You want to try pass it to the person behind the person still shooting.)
4. When two people are trying to bounce the ball into the cup, and no one is in between them, things get real. If you get the ball into the cup BEFORE the person to your left (who is also bouncing), SLAP THEIR CUP OFF THE TABLE. You then pass the cup and the ball to the next person to the left.
5. If you just got your cup slapped, grab a cup of beer from the middle, keep your ping pong ball, chug your beer and start bouncing again.
Got it? Get ready to never want to play flip cup again.
Other variations include: Putting a full cup of beer in the center of cluster of cups, so it is the 'last cup' and whoever loses must drink it.
Harry Potter Puppet Pals
YouTube Link (Opens in new window)
This game is both timely AND simple.
Everyone grab a character. Drink every time your character's name is said.
Repeat ad nauseum!
Who's excited for deathly hallows~~~~*
This game is pretty similar to Up and Down The River, but uses an icecube tray and quarters instead of cards.
-- Grab an (empty) ice tray, a quarter, a cup of an alcoholic beverage of your choice and some beers. Prop the ice cube tray upright the long way on the cup. Sit around a table.
-- The left half of the tray will be the "give a drink" side. The right half will be the "take a drink" side.
-- Starting at the bottom, the drink designations for each cube will be 1 drink, 2 drinks, 4 drinks, 6 drinks, 8 drinks, quarter beer, half beer, full beer.
-- The first person to go has 3 chances to bounce his/her quarter into the ice cube tray. Depending on which side it lands in, they get to then give or take the appropriate number of drinks, eg - if you were to bounce the quarter into the second-from-the-bottom, left hand side cube, you would GIVE two drinks to the person of your choice.
-- If the person misses 3 times, it's a social and everyone drinks.
-- If the quarter ends up in the cup at the top of the ice cube tray, everyone must put their hands on their heads, like antlers, and shout MOOSE. Last person to shout moose has to drink the cup.
Quick, easy and social!
(Thanks Lucie!)
-- Grab an (empty) ice tray, a quarter, a cup of an alcoholic beverage of your choice and some beers. Prop the ice cube tray upright the long way on the cup. Sit around a table.
-- The left half of the tray will be the "give a drink" side. The right half will be the "take a drink" side.
-- Starting at the bottom, the drink designations for each cube will be 1 drink, 2 drinks, 4 drinks, 6 drinks, 8 drinks, quarter beer, half beer, full beer.
-- The first person to go has 3 chances to bounce his/her quarter into the ice cube tray. Depending on which side it lands in, they get to then give or take the appropriate number of drinks, eg - if you were to bounce the quarter into the second-from-the-bottom, left hand side cube, you would GIVE two drinks to the person of your choice.
-- If the person misses 3 times, it's a social and everyone drinks.
-- If the quarter ends up in the cup at the top of the ice cube tray, everyone must put their hands on their heads, like antlers, and shout MOOSE. Last person to shout moose has to drink the cup.
Quick, easy and social!
(Thanks Lucie!)
Are You Afraid of the Dark?
We miss you, 1990s.
Drink every time
-- A fog machine is used / there is 'mysterious eerie' fog
-- 90s celebrity sighting
-- Parents who are totally absent / are just plain terrible parents
-- Prepubescent hijinks
-- Any implied sexual tension between LITERALLY ANYONE on the show (parents, ghosts etc)
-- Sardo or Mr. Vink. Drink again any time they say "No mister, accent on the DO!" or "Vink with v-v-v-vah!" respectively
-- There is a Canadian accent. This will happen a lot (more than you remember)
-- First appearance of the villain
-- Awesome(ly awful) 90s haircut.
-- Lack of surprise/emotion from the characters for something that warrants surprise/emotion.
-- They are sitting around the fireplace. Every. Time.
-- A life lesson / moral is included.
Additional rules:
-- Drink twice if you gasp / shriek / feel genuine terror
-- Cheer and drink when they throw the dust on the fire and say "for the approval of the Midnight Society"
Thanks to Katy and this site!
Drink every time
-- A fog machine is used / there is 'mysterious eerie' fog
-- 90s celebrity sighting
-- Parents who are totally absent / are just plain terrible parents
-- Prepubescent hijinks
-- Any implied sexual tension between LITERALLY ANYONE on the show (parents, ghosts etc)
-- Sardo or Mr. Vink. Drink again any time they say "No mister, accent on the DO!" or "Vink with v-v-v-vah!" respectively
-- There is a Canadian accent. This will happen a lot (more than you remember)
-- First appearance of the villain
-- Awesome(ly awful) 90s haircut.
-- Lack of surprise/emotion from the characters for something that warrants surprise/emotion.
-- They are sitting around the fireplace. Every. Time.
-- A life lesson / moral is included.
Additional rules:
-- Drink twice if you gasp / shriek / feel genuine terror
-- Cheer and drink when they throw the dust on the fire and say "for the approval of the Midnight Society"
Thanks to Katy and this site!
Save The Last Dance
Dust off your VHS copy of this classic and enjoy!

Drink every time
-- They dance
-- Sarah "doesn't want to talk about it"
-- Malachi is a bad boy
-- Sarah refuses to call Roy "dad"
-- There's a racial conflict
-- Sarah has a snappy one liner
-- There are white kids
-- Sarah has a cultural lesson / awakening
Drink every time
-- They dance
-- Sarah "doesn't want to talk about it"
-- Malachi is a bad boy
-- Sarah refuses to call Roy "dad"
-- There's a racial conflict
-- Sarah has a snappy one liner
-- There are white kids
-- Sarah has a cultural lesson / awakening
En Tus Tierras Bailaré
YouTube Link (opens in new window)
For our non-Spanish speakers
Drink every time
-- You understand the name of a country (ISRAEL is a big one)
-- They change locations
-- A person make claw motions
-- Animal in the background
-- Delfin puts his hands in the air
-- Jerusalem!
For our multi-lingual/Spanish speakers
Drink every time
-- They say "super-estrellas"
-- Pequeña Wendy says "Vamos, vamos a canter!"
-- Delfin says "¡Israel... yo te quiero conocer!"
-- When all three super-estrellas are on stage!
-- Words are on stage! Particularly if it's the name of a country
Golf is a little tricky, but particularly seasonal! Get a deck of cards, some beers and get going!
-- You want the LOWEST hand possible. Face cards are 10, Aces are 1.
1. Everyone playing gets four cards. They are NOT allowed to look at these four cards.
2. The dealer puts the rest of the cards in the middle of the table and flips over the top card.
3. Everyone may look at ONE of their four cards, but they can only look at one and they can only look at it once.
4. The dealer starts. S/He takes one card off the top of the deck, looks at it and decides whether or not s/he wants to trade it for one of his/her cards in his hand. Keep in mind s/he has no idea what cards s/he has, apart from the one s/he saw earlier.
5. If s/he gives up a card in his/her hand, s/he then places that discarded card faceup in the discard pile and puts the card s/he took face down in her hand. Otherwise, if s/he does not want to keep the card, s/he places it face up in the discard pile.
6. Next person in the circle goes. They have the option of drawing off the discard pile or off the deck. They decide if they want to keep it, and so on and so forth.
7. Whenever someone thinks they have the lowest hand, they yell GOLF! Everyone goes around once more, then flips the cards over.
8. Add your cards up. Lowest hand wins. Now here comes the fun part. Everyone has to drink for how long their cards add up to. For instance: If the highest hand was a 20, the winner starts counting up to twenty (as slow or as fast as s/he chooses). Everyone drinks. When it gets to your number, you stop. Highest hand can't stop til the winner reaches twenty.
-- You may look at one of your cards once the game has started, but you must drink for every time you look at your cards. (this rule is recommended after you have played a couple rounds and can't remember as easily)
-- If the person who calls "golf" has the highest hand, they must double their score/drinking time.
Slightly difficult to read, very easy to play (we can attest)! Any other variations?
-- You want the LOWEST hand possible. Face cards are 10, Aces are 1.
1. Everyone playing gets four cards. They are NOT allowed to look at these four cards.
2. The dealer puts the rest of the cards in the middle of the table and flips over the top card.
3. Everyone may look at ONE of their four cards, but they can only look at one and they can only look at it once.
4. The dealer starts. S/He takes one card off the top of the deck, looks at it and decides whether or not s/he wants to trade it for one of his/her cards in his hand. Keep in mind s/he has no idea what cards s/he has, apart from the one s/he saw earlier.
5. If s/he gives up a card in his/her hand, s/he then places that discarded card faceup in the discard pile and puts the card s/he took face down in her hand. Otherwise, if s/he does not want to keep the card, s/he places it face up in the discard pile.
6. Next person in the circle goes. They have the option of drawing off the discard pile or off the deck. They decide if they want to keep it, and so on and so forth.
7. Whenever someone thinks they have the lowest hand, they yell GOLF! Everyone goes around once more, then flips the cards over.
8. Add your cards up. Lowest hand wins. Now here comes the fun part. Everyone has to drink for how long their cards add up to. For instance: If the highest hand was a 20, the winner starts counting up to twenty (as slow or as fast as s/he chooses). Everyone drinks. When it gets to your number, you stop. Highest hand can't stop til the winner reaches twenty.
-- You may look at one of your cards once the game has started, but you must drink for every time you look at your cards. (this rule is recommended after you have played a couple rounds and can't remember as easily)
-- If the person who calls "golf" has the highest hand, they must double their score/drinking time.
Slightly difficult to read, very easy to play (we can attest)! Any other variations?
Toasting Thursdays
In honor of Cinco De Mayo, our toast will be a Spanish toast!
Al centro
Pa dentro!
Translation: up, down, to the center, drink!
Al centro
Pa dentro!
Translation: up, down, to the center, drink!
Royal Wedding Drinking Game
Now, we realize this is a bit ex post facto. But if you're like the rest of us, you were unable to wake up at 4am and will instead settle for watching / reading / looking at recaps of the "historic event" for weeks to come.
This game will also help numb the pain of involuntarily watching / reading / looking at recaps of the event for weeks to come.
Drink every time
-- Someone discusses Kate Middleton's dress
-- Drink twice if they mention her sleeves
-- It is mentioned that Prince William won't be wearing a ring
-- Someone reminds you that Kate Middleton is a "commoner"
-- A British celebrity is shown at the wedding
-- Drink twice if it's an American celebrity
-- Finish your drink if they are asked to commentate
-- Parallels to Diana and Charles' wedding are drawn
-- The phrase "historic event" is said
-- A member of the royal family is wearing an item of clothing that reminds you there's still a lot of inbred blood in these lines.
-- Twice if it's a hat
-- Someone reminds you that it is "nice to have a piece of good news in the midst of so many crises"
Toasting Thursdays
Today's toast is an oldie, but a goodie.
Here's to you and here's to me
Friends forever we shall be
But if we ever disagree
Well fuck you and here's to me!
Happy little Friday!
Here's to you and here's to me
Friends forever we shall be
But if we ever disagree
Well fuck you and here's to me!
Happy little Friday!
98 Degrees - Give Me Just One Night (Una Noche)
yes this is 98° and not Enrique Iglesias. We're as surprised as you are.
Drink Every Time
-- You can see through someone's shirt
-- Justin Jeffre (the weird one with the caesar cut) is on screen. Drink twice if he's 'singing'.
-- Any attempt at cultural "authenticity"
-- You can see someone's 98 degrees tattoo.
-- Someone holds their chest / dances with their hands / does the white boy head nod.
-- They switch languages
-- Someone is kidnapped as a hilarious joke!
This message brought to you in collaboration with Feed It to My Goldfish and their Boyband Battle Royale!
Harry Potter: Order of the Phoenix
Deathly Hallows has been released, but we're still partial to fifth Harry Potter. Go back to an angrier time with this drinking game!
Drink Every Time
-- Harry is bewildered and surprised by magic
-- A wand is dramatically brandished
-- Every time a picture moves
-- Every time Ron may actually be disabled
-- Someone comments, "you thought you could do this alone?!" or something similar
-- Hermione is neurotic and talks really fast
-- Umbridge "hem, hem"s
-- There is an ominous grey mist
-- There is sexual tension between two or more male characters
-- Lupin acts / looks like a heroin addict.
-- Snape acts like he may or may not have aspergers and fidgets
-- Dame Maggie Smith calls someone the fuck out
Waterfall for
Thanks Carly!
Drink Every Time
-- Harry is bewildered and surprised by magic
-- A wand is dramatically brandished
-- Every time a picture moves
-- Every time Ron may actually be disabled
-- Someone comments, "you thought you could do this alone?!" or something similar
-- Hermione is neurotic and talks really fast
-- Umbridge "hem, hem"s
-- There is an ominous grey mist
-- There is sexual tension between two or more male characters
-- Lupin acts / looks like a heroin addict.
-- Snape acts like he may or may not have aspergers and fidgets
-- Dame Maggie Smith calls someone the fuck out
Waterfall for
Thanks Carly!
Beyoncé - Single Ladies
YouTube Link (opens in new window)
Two teams.
The single people in the group drink for "Single Ladies"
The coupled people in the group drink for "Put a ring on it"
You can just make two teams, or drink for both if you're feeling inspired. We like more crowd-specific games though!
Journey - Don't Stop Believin'
Don't worry, this time it's for real.
YouTube Link (opens in new window)
Drink for every
-- Small town girl
-- Midnight train
-- City Boy
-- On and on and on and on
-- Niiiiiight
-- Some will WIN
-- Some will LOSE
-- Feelin'
-- Believin'
-- Waterfall for guitar solos/riffs
ALSO be sure to drink any time someone jumps the lyrics! If you're feeling up for it, make the jumper take a shot!
YouTube Link (opens in new window)
Drink for every
-- Small town girl
-- Midnight train
-- City Boy
-- On and on and on and on
-- Niiiiiight
-- Some will WIN
-- Some will LOSE
-- Feelin'
-- Believin'
-- Waterfall for guitar solos/riffs
ALSO be sure to drink any time someone jumps the lyrics! If you're feeling up for it, make the jumper take a shot!
Deja vu all over again. We thank The Wire for this one.
No loose talk,
No second guesses,
No loose talk,
No second guesses,
Reno 911
You can opt to choose characters here, but we suggest just drinking for all the rules!
Drink every time:
-- Any time someone is racist, particularly towards Jones or Williams
-- Dangle does something overtly gay
-- Williams mentions her children
-- Trudy says something that just ends the scene
-- There's a repeat offender! Particularly a blurred face offender
-- The deputies are shown off duty
-- Someone mentions or is on meth
-- Sex workers are involved
-- There is a PSA
-- Every time Dangle does something heterosexual
-- Kimball may be a lesbian
-- Someone in the scene laughs
Drink every time:
-- Any time someone is racist, particularly towards Jones or Williams
-- Dangle does something overtly gay
-- Williams mentions her children
-- Trudy says something that just ends the scene
-- There's a repeat offender! Particularly a blurred face offender
-- The deputies are shown off duty
-- Someone mentions or is on meth
-- Sex workers are involved
-- There is a PSA
-- Every time Dangle does something heterosexual
-- Kimball may be a lesbian
-- Someone in the scene laughs
Yes, the game show. Don't lie, that's what you sometimes do on a Saturday night. We can't all be always wild.
Drink every time:
-- Alex makes an obnoxious/douchy remark
--'Daily Double' happens. (optional: drink DOUBLE)
-- Someone clicks the buzzer without knowing the answer
-- You get the answer right and the contestant gets it wrong
-- The contestant's life story is weirdly too personal / tragic
-- One person dominates the category down the line
-- Every contestant gets it wrong.
To make things a little more interesting, we've added these rules.
Bet on your contestant in the beginning. We recommend doing it quarter-beer/drink chunks. So you can bet up to a full beer on a contestant.
You should also bet on Final Jeopardy! Not on contestants, but on your own answers. Play along!
Drink every time:
-- Alex makes an obnoxious/douchy remark
--'Daily Double' happens. (optional: drink DOUBLE)
-- Someone clicks the buzzer without knowing the answer
-- You get the answer right and the contestant gets it wrong
-- The contestant's life story is weirdly too personal / tragic
-- One person dominates the category down the line
-- Every contestant gets it wrong.
To make things a little more interesting, we've added these rules.
Bet on your contestant in the beginning. We recommend doing it quarter-beer/drink chunks. So you can bet up to a full beer on a contestant.
You should also bet on Final Jeopardy! Not on contestants, but on your own answers. Play along!
Rick Roll'd Drinking Game.
Now crack a beer and drink to these rules.
Drink every time Rick tells you --
-- He's never going to give you up
-- He's never going to let you down
-- He's never going to run around
-- He's never going to desert you
-- He's never going to make you cry
-- He's never going to say goodbye
-- He's never going to tell a lie
-- He's never going to hurt you.
Drink also for the black guy.
Lol April fools!
Here's to the men we love
And the men who love us
But the men we love
Don't love us
So fuck the men
And here's to us!
Here's to the men we love
And the men who love us
But the men we love
Don't love us
So fuck the men
And here's to us!
LFO - Summer Girls
YouTube Link (opens in new window)
Drink every time:
-- Someone is wearing a midriff baring shirt
-- A Boombox is present
-- The camera pans to a band member other than Rich (the blonde one)
-- A band member makes an overtly sexual gesture at a girl.
-- There is a line about something distinctly 90s. Challenge by choice, there are a lot.
RIP Rich Cronin, u live 4evr in our heartz.
Thanks again to Feed It To My Goldfish and their BoyBand Battle Royale for this awesome LFO retrospective.
Three Man
Another awesome dice game for your Friday night.
-- Grab some dice and some beer. Sit in a circle.
-- Determine who will be the 'Three Man' by rolling the dice. The first person to roll a three becomes the Three Man.
-- Player to the left of the Three Man rolls first. The drinking goes as follows --
1&1 Doubles (see below)
1&2 Three man drinks (dice add up to 3)
1&3 Three man drinks (three is shown on the dice)
1&4 Thumb to table or floor (playing surface). Last person drinks.
1&5 Index finger to side of nose. Last person drinks.
1&6 Player to left of roller drinks (When the dice add to 7, left person drinks)
2&2 Doubles (see below)
2&3 Three man drinks (three is show on the dice)
2&4 Pass turn
2&5 Player to left of roller drinks (7 - person to left drinks)
2&6 Pass turn
3&3 Doubles (see below); three drinks twice
3&4 Three man drinks; player to left of roller drinks
3&5 Three man drinks
3&6 Three man drinks; Social (see below)
4&4 Doubles (see below)
4&5 Social (see below)
4&6 Pass turn
5&5 Doubles (see below)
5&6 Player to right of roller drinks (Dice add to 11, person to the right drinks)
6&6 Doubles (see below)
Social - Everybody drinks
Doubles - Roller gets to choose to give the dice away. They can give both dice to one person, or one die to two people. The person then has to drink the amount they roll on the dice. HOWEVER, if the dice roll to doubles again, the original roller has to drink. Then play continues as normal.
When the Three Man rolls a three, either on one die or the dice add up to three, they have to drink and then give the Three Man title away to someone else.
-- Grab some dice and some beer. Sit in a circle.
-- Determine who will be the 'Three Man' by rolling the dice. The first person to roll a three becomes the Three Man.
-- Player to the left of the Three Man rolls first. The drinking goes as follows --
1&1 Doubles (see below)
1&2 Three man drinks (dice add up to 3)
1&3 Three man drinks (three is shown on the dice)
1&4 Thumb to table or floor (playing surface). Last person drinks.
1&5 Index finger to side of nose. Last person drinks.
1&6 Player to left of roller drinks (When the dice add to 7, left person drinks)
2&2 Doubles (see below)
2&3 Three man drinks (three is show on the dice)
2&4 Pass turn
2&5 Player to left of roller drinks (7 - person to left drinks)
2&6 Pass turn
3&3 Doubles (see below); three drinks twice
3&4 Three man drinks; player to left of roller drinks
3&5 Three man drinks
3&6 Three man drinks; Social (see below)
4&4 Doubles (see below)
4&5 Social (see below)
4&6 Pass turn
5&5 Doubles (see below)
5&6 Player to right of roller drinks (Dice add to 11, person to the right drinks)
6&6 Doubles (see below)
Social - Everybody drinks
Doubles - Roller gets to choose to give the dice away. They can give both dice to one person, or one die to two people. The person then has to drink the amount they roll on the dice. HOWEVER, if the dice roll to doubles again, the original roller has to drink. Then play continues as normal.
When the Three Man rolls a three, either on one die or the dice add up to three, they have to drink and then give the Three Man title away to someone else.
7, 11, Doubles
This is one of our personal favorites.
-- Grab some dice and beer.
-- One person (or the owner of the dice) fills the glass as much or as little as they want. Keep in mind, you will have drink this beer as fast as possible!
-- Said person then grabs the dice. If they don't roll a 7, 11 or doubles, they take a sip of their beer and pass it to the next person on their right.
-- The first person to ROLL a 7, 11 or doubles picks one person to be the drinker.
-- As soon as the drinker touches the cup, and they can take as long as they like, the Roller starts rolling the dice.
-- The roller has as long as it takes the drinker to finish the beer to roll a 7, 11 or doubles.
-- IF the roller succeeds, they refill the glass and the process begins.
-- IF the roller does not succeed in rolling a 7, 11 or doubles, then the game continues and you pass the dice to the right.
Here's a sample round to ease your understanding:
Temperance, Chastity, Brigham and Steve are playing the game. Temperance fills a solo cup and puts it in the middle of the table, then rolls the dice. She doesn't roll a 7, 11, or doubles so she passes it to Chastity. Chastity then rolls the dice and rolls a 7. She chooses Steve to be the drinker. Steve takes his time grabbing the solo cup and as soon as he touches that red cup, Chastity starts rolling the dice and Steve starts chugging. With great luck, Chastity rolls two ones before Steve finishes his drink and puts the solo cup back on the table. They refill the solo cup and try again. This time, Steve successfully finishes his drink and slams it on the table before Chastity rolled anything. Chastity passes the dice to Brigham and the game continues.
We are English Majors, this is our forte. It takes a minute to get used to, but once you get ROLLING, it's the most fun.
-- Grab some dice and beer.
-- One person (or the owner of the dice) fills the glass as much or as little as they want. Keep in mind, you will have drink this beer as fast as possible!
-- Said person then grabs the dice. If they don't roll a 7, 11 or doubles, they take a sip of their beer and pass it to the next person on their right.
-- The first person to ROLL a 7, 11 or doubles picks one person to be the drinker.
-- As soon as the drinker touches the cup, and they can take as long as they like, the Roller starts rolling the dice.
-- The roller has as long as it takes the drinker to finish the beer to roll a 7, 11 or doubles.
-- IF the roller succeeds, they refill the glass and the process begins.
-- IF the roller does not succeed in rolling a 7, 11 or doubles, then the game continues and you pass the dice to the right.
Here's a sample round to ease your understanding:
Temperance, Chastity, Brigham and Steve are playing the game. Temperance fills a solo cup and puts it in the middle of the table, then rolls the dice. She doesn't roll a 7, 11, or doubles so she passes it to Chastity. Chastity then rolls the dice and rolls a 7. She chooses Steve to be the drinker. Steve takes his time grabbing the solo cup and as soon as he touches that red cup, Chastity starts rolling the dice and Steve starts chugging. With great luck, Chastity rolls two ones before Steve finishes his drink and puts the solo cup back on the table. They refill the solo cup and try again. This time, Steve successfully finishes his drink and slams it on the table before Chastity rolled anything. Chastity passes the dice to Brigham and the game continues.
We are English Majors, this is our forte. It takes a minute to get used to, but once you get ROLLING, it's the most fun.
Friends Drinking Game
This one is so simple, it only has two rules.
-- Everyone pick a 'friend'
-- Drink whenever your character's name is said.
-- Everyone pick a 'friend'
-- Drink whenever your character's name is said.
Toasting Thursdays
From now on, we will post our favorite drinking toasts every Thursday!
Please send us your favorite toasts and cheers!
If the ocean were liquor
And I were a duck
I'd swim to the bottom
And drink my way up
But the ocean's not liquor
And I'm not a duck
So fuck this shit,
and let's get fucked up!
Please send us your favorite toasts and cheers!
Odds & Evens
This game was tried and tested by the blackout crowd on St Patrick's day, so we can attest to both it's simplicity and entertainment.
-- Grab an empty glass.
-- Everyone at the table puts a finger on the rim of the glass.
-- One person counts to three, and everyone chooses to either take their finger off the glass, or leave it on.
-- The one person counting should also guess 'odds' or 'evens'. They will then count how many fingers are left. If the person guesses RIGHT, they get to give a drink. If the person guesses WRONG, they take a drink.
Depending on how many people you have, you can also vote to have all those with their fingers left on the rim either take a drink or give a drink, depending on the accuracy of the person's guess.
-- Grab an empty glass.
-- Everyone at the table puts a finger on the rim of the glass.
-- One person counts to three, and everyone chooses to either take their finger off the glass, or leave it on.
-- The one person counting should also guess 'odds' or 'evens'. They will then count how many fingers are left. If the person guesses RIGHT, they get to give a drink. If the person guesses WRONG, they take a drink.
Depending on how many people you have, you can also vote to have all those with their fingers left on the rim either take a drink or give a drink, depending on the accuracy of the person's guess.
O-Town - Liquid Dreams
YouTube took our video down, but don't worry, it's still on MTV
Drink every time:
-- The liquid penis appears (0:06)
-- Every time a celebrity is mentioned
-- There is a liquid girl
-- O-Town appears in the background
As a bonus round, check out their Miss America 2000 and drink every time you flinch at how off key they are. This is not a joke or a drill.
This drinking game is brought to you in collaboration with Feed It To My Goldfish's Boy Band Battle Royale!
Drink every time:
-- The liquid penis appears (0:06)
-- Every time a celebrity is mentioned
-- There is a liquid girl
-- O-Town appears in the background
As a bonus round, check out their Miss America 2000 and drink every time you flinch at how off key they are. This is not a joke or a drill.
This drinking game is brought to you in collaboration with Feed It To My Goldfish's Boy Band Battle Royale!
Grab your copy of Settlers of Catan (which is, we promise, much less nerdy than it sounds or looks), grab some drinks and add these rules.
Settlers of Catan Drinking Game
Drink once every time:
-- You collect a resource
-- You use a port
-- You trade in four of one resource to the bank
-- You lose longest road
-- You swear at someone / become overly invested in the game
Drink TWICE every time:
-- The robber blocks you from getting a resource
-- You barter. (this can be two or more. For instance - "I will trade you a sheep for a wood if you also take three drinks")
If you're feeling so inclined, you can also make drinks corresponding to each resource. Our suggestions are:
Wheat - beer
Wood - Gin & Tonic
Brick - Vodka Cran
Ore - Rum & Coke
Sheep - Whiskey Sour
Be sure to waterfall for every Catan-related pun you make.
Drink once every time:
-- You collect a resource
-- You use a port
-- You trade in four of one resource to the bank
-- You lose longest road
-- You swear at someone / become overly invested in the game
Drink TWICE every time:
-- The robber blocks you from getting a resource
-- You barter. (this can be two or more. For instance - "I will trade you a sheep for a wood if you also take three drinks")
If you're feeling so inclined, you can also make drinks corresponding to each resource. Our suggestions are:
Wheat - beer
Wood - Gin & Tonic
Brick - Vodka Cran
Ore - Rum & Coke
Sheep - Whiskey Sour
Be sure to waterfall for every Catan-related pun you make.
Rebecca Black - Friday
YouTube Link (opens in new window)
Drinking Game Rules
Divide into two teams.
One team drinks every time for 'party' and 'front seat'. One team drinks for 'fun' and 'back seat'.
ALSO everyone drink every time:
-- She says a day of the week
-- Someone has braces
-- Waterfall during the rap
Horse Race
Drinking Game Rules
Pick someone to be the announcer. The announcer will start by shuffling through the deck and picking out the four aces and laying them face up side by side at the end of the table. These aces will be the 'horses'. The announcer then picks between six and eight cards and lays them face down perpendicular to the aces along the side of the table.
Players then place bets on the 'horses'. Usually something like 'five on diamonds' is acceptable, but feel free to get as fancy as you want. Be warned though, if you lose you have to drink your own bet!
Then the game starts. The announcer starts by flipping over the first card of the deck. Only the suit matters. The ace that matches that suit advances down the line of cards. This continues until one of the aces passes the final link / card into the 'winners circle.'
Losers drink their bets, winners dole out their drinks to others.
If you so choose, you can add a 'jump' to the track by stacking two cards on the links instead of one. The suit must be drawn twice for the horse to clear the jump.
Thanks Lucie!
Pick someone to be the announcer. The announcer will start by shuffling through the deck and picking out the four aces and laying them face up side by side at the end of the table. These aces will be the 'horses'. The announcer then picks between six and eight cards and lays them face down perpendicular to the aces along the side of the table.
Players then place bets on the 'horses'. Usually something like 'five on diamonds' is acceptable, but feel free to get as fancy as you want. Be warned though, if you lose you have to drink your own bet!
Then the game starts. The announcer starts by flipping over the first card of the deck. Only the suit matters. The ace that matches that suit advances down the line of cards. This continues until one of the aces passes the final link / card into the 'winners circle.'
Losers drink their bets, winners dole out their drinks to others.
If you so choose, you can add a 'jump' to the track by stacking two cards on the links instead of one. The suit must be drawn twice for the horse to clear the jump.
Thanks Lucie!
This game often goes by another name. In the interest of not being dicks, we changed it to something (slightly) less offensive.
Drinking Game Rules
Grab a deck of cards. Pick a person to start as the dealer. Go around the circle clockwise.
The dealer will face the person to their left. The dealer flips over the card on the top of the deck. The dealer and the person then race to say a word that begins with the same letter as the number/face on the card.
(eg - if the dealer flips over a 2, 'turtle', 'trust', 'taint' are all acceptable. Numbers are NOT acceptable, so 'thirteen' or 'twice' would not be a valid answer.)
If the dealer wins, they continue holding the cards and move around the circle to the next person. If the dealer loses, the person who won takes the cards and becomes the dealer.
When you lose, you drink.
In case of a tie, don't fight. Just drink and repeat the round.
Drinking Game Rules
Grab a deck of cards. Pick a person to start as the dealer. Go around the circle clockwise.
The dealer will face the person to their left. The dealer flips over the card on the top of the deck. The dealer and the person then race to say a word that begins with the same letter as the number/face on the card.
(eg - if the dealer flips over a 2, 'turtle', 'trust', 'taint' are all acceptable. Numbers are NOT acceptable, so 'thirteen' or 'twice' would not be a valid answer.)
If the dealer wins, they continue holding the cards and move around the circle to the next person. If the dealer loses, the person who won takes the cards and becomes the dealer.
When you lose, you drink.
In case of a tie, don't fight. Just drink and repeat the round.
Total Eclipse of the Heart
YouTube Link (opens in new window)
Alternate Version
Drink for every:
-- 'turn around'
-- 'tonight'
-- Two drinks every time they say "total eclipse of the heart"
Not enough? Waterfall during the instrumental
Glee - Teenage Dream
YouTube Link (opens in new window)
Drink every time:
-- The camera pans to Kurt and he fawns
-- Someone fist pumps
-- The dancers touch their hearts
-- The dude in the black sweater dances awkwardly.
Power Hour App
In the course of our refound love for power hours, we found a Power Hour app!
This App will actually take any playlist in your iTunes and take 60 second snippets of each song. As far as we can tell, it's legitimate and works pretty well. It's only for Macs, so you PC users are on your own.
Download it here.
What's your favorite beer to power hour with? We're partial to Miller Lite.
This App will actually take any playlist in your iTunes and take 60 second snippets of each song. As far as we can tell, it's legitimate and works pretty well. It's only for Macs, so you PC users are on your own.
Download it here.
What's your favorite beer to power hour with? We're partial to Miller Lite.
Ke$ha - Blow
YouTube Link (opens in new window)
Drink once for:
-- "Uzbekistan"
-- any time Ke$ha does anything suggestive with her tongue
-- every piece of clothing that is removed
-- every pun involving James Van Der Beek's name
-- pelvic thrusting
-- "lactose gold"
Finish your drink:
-- when the unicorn stares directly into your soul / the camera
(thanks EB and Allison!)
Throwback city with this Titanic Drinking Game.
Drink once every time:
-- every time Kate Winslet compares her life to that of a slave
-- they switch between the past and present
-- they treat women like they're dumb or inept
-- they say "Titanic"
Drink once every time:
-- every time Kate Winslet compares her life to that of a slave
-- they switch between the past and present
-- they treat women like they're dumb or inept
-- they say "Titanic"
American Psycho
Drink once every time:
- anyone mentions Dorsea
- anyone mentions the Fisher Account
- Patrick reviews a restaurant or musical album (bonus: waterfall through the entire review)
- Patrick listens to his headphones
- Patrick talks about a famous serial killer
- anyone (or any animal) gets killed
- Patrick says "I have to return some videotapes"
- Patrick calls a woman by a slightly endearing yet mostly patronizing nickname (e.g. doll, pumpkin)
- anyone cries
- anyone makes a factually incorrect statement about pertinent social issues
Finish your drink when he tries to feed a kitten to the ATM.
(Thanks Erin, Lee and EB!)
- anyone mentions Dorsea
- anyone mentions the Fisher Account
- Patrick reviews a restaurant or musical album (bonus: waterfall through the entire review)
- Patrick listens to his headphones
- Patrick talks about a famous serial killer
- anyone (or any animal) gets killed
- Patrick says "I have to return some videotapes"
- Patrick calls a woman by a slightly endearing yet mostly patronizing nickname (e.g. doll, pumpkin)
- anyone cries
- anyone makes a factually incorrect statement about pertinent social issues
Finish your drink when he tries to feed a kitten to the ATM.
(Thanks Erin, Lee and EB!)
Camp Rock
Drink every time:
-- Anytime Disney bastardizes a musical genre.
-- Anytime a character's emotions take a complete 180 in 45 seconds or less.
-- Every montage.
-- Anytime "the mood is set" with a lighting filter.
-- Anytime a character must choose between being popular and doing what's right.
-- Every time Mitchie is sassy towards Shane.
-- Every time that you realize that you actually love this movie.
-- Every time you make a plot prediction that comes true.
-- Every time you predict the next line.
-- Any time a character immediately knows a song or dance that they have never previously rehearsed.
(Thanks Ev!)
-- Anytime Disney bastardizes a musical genre.
-- Anytime a character's emotions take a complete 180 in 45 seconds or less.
-- Every montage.
-- Anytime "the mood is set" with a lighting filter.
-- Anytime a character must choose between being popular and doing what's right.
-- Every time Mitchie is sassy towards Shane.
-- Every time that you realize that you actually love this movie.
-- Every time you make a plot prediction that comes true.
-- Every time you predict the next line.
-- Any time a character immediately knows a song or dance that they have never previously rehearsed.
(Thanks Ev!)
Drink every time:
-- tits or ass
-- Dalton gives a steely gaze
-- a knife is pulled
-- someone with a mullet speaks for the first time
-- someone says 'i thought you'd be bigger'
-- karate in or around a barn
-- Dalton says 'pain don't hurt'
-- the 'throat and quote' - you will know when you see it
-- monster truck
(thanks Hannah and Liz!)
-- tits or ass
-- Dalton gives a steely gaze
-- a knife is pulled
-- someone with a mullet speaks for the first time
-- someone says 'i thought you'd be bigger'
-- karate in or around a barn
-- Dalton says 'pain don't hurt'
-- the 'throat and quote' - you will know when you see it
-- monster truck
(thanks Hannah and Liz!)
Super Bowl Drinking Game
Better late than never, right? And especially never too soon to prep for next year!
Drink once for every:
- interception
- sack
- flag
- incomplete pass
- touchdown
- announcer advertisement for a tv show after the game
- tattoo you can read
- man so fat you wonder how he can walk
- first down
Bonus Rules
- 2 drinks for a 2 pt conversion
- finish your drink on a challenge
Lets hear your adaptations for other sports!
Drink once for every:
- interception
- sack
- flag
- incomplete pass
- touchdown
- announcer advertisement for a tv show after the game
- tattoo you can read
- man so fat you wonder how he can walk
- first down
Bonus Rules
- 2 drinks for a 2 pt conversion
- finish your drink on a challenge
Lets hear your adaptations for other sports!
send me the rules and anything else you think I should know at drinkingwithrules@gmail.com
send me the rules and anything else you think I should know at drinkingwithrules@gmail.com
Jersey Shore
drink once:
-- the situation does something explicitly homoerotic
-- every time there is tension between ronnie and sammie
-- they mention how important Sunday night dinner is
-- every time deena uses a cute metaphor/analogy/catchphrase to cover up sluttiness
-- for the phrases "gym tan laundry," "MVP," and "t-shirt time"
-- every time snooki eats a pickle
-- snooki says "mraaaaah'
-- every time sammi threatens to leave the house
-- every time they wear a self referential tshirt (ie Ronnie's 'come at me bro' shirt)
-- pauly d says 'oh yeah'
-- one of the guys snooki / jwoww hooks up with has a girlfriend / fiance
-- someone says 'DTF' or 'smush'
drink twice:
-- every time deena talks about masturbating
-- every time there is actual physical violence
-- someone who does not live at the house shows up at the house unannounced
finish your drink:
-- if mike ever actually successfully scores with a girl
-- when anyone gets arrested
-- when someone actually leaves the house never to return
-- people in the house hook up with eachother (ronnie and sammi don't count)
-- the situation does something explicitly homoerotic
-- every time there is tension between ronnie and sammie
-- they mention how important Sunday night dinner is
-- every time deena uses a cute metaphor/analogy/catchphrase to cover up sluttiness
-- for the phrases "gym tan laundry," "MVP," and "t-shirt time"
-- every time snooki eats a pickle
-- snooki says "mraaaaah'
-- every time sammi threatens to leave the house
-- every time they wear a self referential tshirt (ie Ronnie's 'come at me bro' shirt)
-- pauly d says 'oh yeah'
-- one of the guys snooki / jwoww hooks up with has a girlfriend / fiance
-- someone says 'DTF' or 'smush'
drink twice:
-- every time deena talks about masturbating
-- every time there is actual physical violence
-- someone who does not live at the house shows up at the house unannounced
finish your drink:
-- if mike ever actually successfully scores with a girl
-- when anyone gets arrested
-- when someone actually leaves the house never to return
-- people in the house hook up with eachother (ronnie and sammi don't count)
Criminal Minds
Turn on A&E or ion. Watch Criminal Minds when it is inevitably on.
Drink every time
- JJ calls Spencer 'spence'
- They flash their badges
- Any time the whole thing can be traced back to the unsub's mom
- Morgan and Garcia flirt
- 2 drinks if he says baby girl
- Someone becomes emotionally invested in a victim
- Rossi mentions his book
- The unsub dies
- They are 'ready to present the profile'
- Garcia does something illegal
- Garcia makes a list
- The quote is from the 20th century
- They break into the house / office of the unsub only to find they are not there
Finish your drink
- If Morgan and Garcia's flirting borderlines on actual sexual tension
- Garcia accompanies them to location
- Matthew Gray Gubler directed the episode
- The unsub is female
Drink every time
- JJ calls Spencer 'spence'
- They flash their badges
- Any time the whole thing can be traced back to the unsub's mom
- Morgan and Garcia flirt
- 2 drinks if he says baby girl
- Someone becomes emotionally invested in a victim
- Rossi mentions his book
- The unsub dies
- They are 'ready to present the profile'
- Garcia does something illegal
- Garcia makes a list
- The quote is from the 20th century
- They break into the house / office of the unsub only to find they are not there
Finish your drink
- If Morgan and Garcia's flirting borderlines on actual sexual tension
- Garcia accompanies them to location
- Matthew Gray Gubler directed the episode
- The unsub is female
My Girl - Mindless Behavior
"My Girl" by Mindless Behavior
YouTube Link (opens in new window)
Drink once every time:
- they chest bump
- the letters "MB" appear in the background / shaved into someone's head
- they say '143, smiley with a wink'
- they break it down
- the back up dancers are significantly older than the boys
YouTube Link (opens in new window)
Drink once every time:
- they chest bump
- the letters "MB" appear in the background / shaved into someone's head
- they say '143, smiley with a wink'
- they break it down
- the back up dancers are significantly older than the boys
Blue Hill Avenue, the movie
"Blue Hill Avenue" the movie
Drink once every time:
-- you hear or see a gun being loaded
-- anyone says "motherfucker"
-- you see a place you recognize
-- anyone says "Blue Hill Avenue"
-- someone talks to someone over his/her shoulder
-- there is a quotable phrase/line (challenge by choice)
-- Martine sucks
-- before, during, and after sex
-- anyone says "hoin'"
-- anyone says "fucko"
-- anyone mentions "Twinkie" by name
-- there is a new tracksuit on screen
-- anyone mentions "the neighborhood" or "the hood" or "Dorchester" or "Roxbury"
-- there are white people on screen
-- Simon has a flashback
-- someone wrings or rubs his/her hands together
-- you get confused if the sirens are in the movie or outside your apartment
-- there is a joke about Simon being fat
Drink once every time:
-- you hear or see a gun being loaded
-- anyone says "motherfucker"
-- you see a place you recognize
-- anyone says "Blue Hill Avenue"
-- someone talks to someone over his/her shoulder
-- there is a quotable phrase/line (challenge by choice)
-- Martine sucks
-- before, during, and after sex
-- anyone says "hoin'"
-- anyone says "fucko"
-- anyone mentions "Twinkie" by name
-- there is a new tracksuit on screen
-- anyone mentions "the neighborhood" or "the hood" or "Dorchester" or "Roxbury"
-- there are white people on screen
-- Simon has a flashback
-- someone wrings or rubs his/her hands together
-- you get confused if the sirens are in the movie or outside your apartment
-- there is a joke about Simon being fat
Law & Order: SVU
Turn on any channel at any time -- watch SVU.
Drink any time:
- They use hyperbole
- They read someone their rights
- Any time the DA says "I'm done here" or "we're done here"
- Any time the DA says "I'm NOT done here" etc
- Ice-T says something 'urban' (e.g "that's messed up")
- Hudson Uni is mentioned
- a detective gets assaulted
- the 'dun dun' sound effect is played.
- you can identify the case from which this episode is 'ripped from the headlines'
- the Miranda rights are recited
- there is undercover work or role-playing
- Elliot has a rage blackout
- they call for a bus/ambulance
- there is a celebrity guest star
- they answer phone by last name
- threats are made to Stabler's family
- a badge is flashed
- there is evidence acquired in a shady way
- there is a foot or car chase
- Olivia talks with a child
- there is a knowing phone call
- there is extreme abusing/harassing of a witness
- there is a post-modern reference (iPhone, Craigslist, Twitter)
- the confession music plays
Drink twice every time:
-- there is a witty pun
-- there is sexual tension between Olivia and Elliot
-- the "ah-ha!" moment in the case occurs
-- the victim is not a victim
-- Kathleen (elliot's daughter) is a fuck up
Drink any time:
- They use hyperbole
- They read someone their rights
- Any time the DA says "I'm done here" or "we're done here"
- Any time the DA says "I'm NOT done here" etc
- Ice-T says something 'urban' (e.g "that's messed up")
- Hudson Uni is mentioned
- a detective gets assaulted
- the 'dun dun' sound effect is played.
- you can identify the case from which this episode is 'ripped from the headlines'
- the Miranda rights are recited
- there is undercover work or role-playing
- Elliot has a rage blackout
- they call for a bus/ambulance
- there is a celebrity guest star
- they answer phone by last name
- threats are made to Stabler's family
- a badge is flashed
- there is evidence acquired in a shady way
- there is a foot or car chase
- Olivia talks with a child
- there is a knowing phone call
- there is extreme abusing/harassing of a witness
- there is a post-modern reference (iPhone, Craigslist, Twitter)
- the confession music plays
Drink twice every time:
-- there is a witty pun
-- there is sexual tension between Olivia and Elliot
-- the "ah-ha!" moment in the case occurs
-- the victim is not a victim
-- Kathleen (elliot's daughter) is a fuck up
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