
American Psycho

Drink once every time:

- anyone mentions Dorsea
- anyone mentions the Fisher Account
- Patrick reviews a restaurant or musical album (bonus: waterfall through the entire review)
- Patrick listens to his headphones
- Patrick talks about a famous serial killer
- anyone (or any animal) gets killed
- Patrick says "I have to return some videotapes"
- Patrick calls a woman by a slightly endearing yet mostly patronizing nickname (e.g. doll, pumpkin)
- anyone cries
- anyone makes a factually incorrect statement about pertinent social issues

Finish your drink when he tries to feed a kitten to the ATM.

(Thanks Erin, Lee and EB!)


  1. i just watched this for the first time yesterday. i don't understand this patrick character, although i respect him for the quantity of skin products he utilizes. it's hard, do you really drink when you seen someone get killed because ARE THEY REALLY BEING KILLED?? or are they all in his day-planner? i just don't know. drink anyways.

  2. I would add "every time someone mentions someone famous (e.g. Is that Donald Trump's car)
