
LFO - Summer Girls

YouTube Link (opens in new window)

Drink every time:
-- Someone is wearing a midriff baring shirt
-- A Boombox is present
-- The camera pans to a band member other than Rich (the blonde one)
-- A band member makes an overtly sexual gesture at a girl.
-- There is a line about something distinctly 90s. Challenge by choice, there are a lot.

RIP Rich Cronin, u live 4evr in our heartz.

Thanks again to Feed It To My Goldfish and their BoyBand Battle Royale for this awesome LFO retrospective.


Three Man

Another awesome dice game for your Friday night.

-- Grab some dice and some beer. Sit in a circle.
-- Determine who will be the 'Three Man' by rolling the dice. The first person to roll a three becomes the Three Man.
-- Player to the left of the Three Man rolls first. The drinking goes as follows --

1&1 Doubles (see below)
1&2 Three man drinks (dice add up to 3)
1&3 Three man drinks (three is shown on the dice)
1&4 Thumb to table or floor (playing surface). Last person drinks.
1&5 Index finger to side of nose. Last person drinks.
1&6 Player to left of roller drinks (When the dice add to 7, left person drinks)
2&2 Doubles (see below)
2&3 Three man drinks (three is show on the dice)
2&4 Pass turn
2&5 Player to left of roller drinks (7 - person to left drinks)
2&6 Pass turn
3&3 Doubles (see below); three drinks twice
3&4 Three man drinks; player to left of roller drinks
3&5 Three man drinks
3&6 Three man drinks; Social (see below)
4&4 Doubles (see below)
4&5 Social (see below)
4&6 Pass turn
5&5 Doubles (see below)
5&6 Player to right of roller drinks (Dice add to 11, person to the right drinks)
6&6 Doubles (see below)

Social - Everybody drinks
Doubles - Roller gets to choose to give the dice away. They can give both dice to one person, or one die to two people. The person then has to drink the amount they roll on the dice. HOWEVER, if the dice roll to doubles again, the original roller has to drink. Then play continues as normal.

When the Three Man rolls a three, either on one die or the dice add up to three, they have to drink and then give the Three Man title away to someone else.


7, 11, Doubles

This is one of our personal favorites.

-- Grab some dice and beer.
-- One person (or the owner of the dice) fills the glass as much or as little as they want. Keep in mind, you will have drink this beer as fast as possible!
-- Said person then grabs the dice. If they don't roll a 7, 11 or doubles, they take a sip of their beer and pass it to the next person on their right.
-- The first person to ROLL a 7, 11 or doubles picks one person to be the drinker.
-- As soon as the drinker touches the cup, and they can take as long as they like, the Roller starts rolling the dice.
-- The roller has as long as it takes the drinker to finish the beer to roll a 7, 11 or doubles.
-- IF the roller succeeds, they refill the glass and the process begins.
-- IF the roller does not succeed in rolling a 7, 11 or doubles, then the game continues and you pass the dice to the right.


Here's a sample round to ease your understanding:

Temperance, Chastity, Brigham and Steve are playing the game. Temperance fills a solo cup and puts it in the middle of the table, then rolls the dice. She doesn't roll a 7, 11, or doubles so she passes it to Chastity. Chastity then rolls the dice and rolls a 7. She chooses Steve to be the drinker. Steve takes his time grabbing the solo cup and as soon as he touches that red cup, Chastity starts rolling the dice and Steve starts chugging. With great luck, Chastity rolls two ones before Steve finishes his drink and puts the solo cup back on the table. They refill the solo cup and try again. This time, Steve successfully finishes his drink and slams it on the table before Chastity rolled anything. Chastity passes the dice to Brigham and the game continues.

We are English Majors, this is our forte. It takes a minute to get used to, but once you get ROLLING, it's the most fun.

Friends Drinking Game

This one is so simple, it only has two rules.

-- Everyone pick a 'friend'
-- Drink whenever your character's name is said.



Toasting Thursdays

From now on, we will post our favorite drinking toasts every Thursday!

If the ocean were liquor
And I were a duck
I'd swim to the bottom
And drink my way up
But the ocean's not liquor
And I'm not a duck
So fuck this shit,
and let's get fucked up!

Please send us your favorite toasts and cheers!

Odds & Evens

This game was tried and tested by the blackout crowd on St Patrick's day, so we can attest to both it's simplicity and entertainment.


-- Grab an empty glass.
-- Everyone at the table puts a finger on the rim of the glass.
-- One person counts to three, and everyone chooses to either take their finger off the glass, or leave it on.
-- The one person counting should also guess 'odds' or 'evens'. They will then count how many fingers are left. If the person guesses RIGHT, they get to give a drink. If the person guesses WRONG, they take a drink.

Depending on how many people you have, you can also vote to have all those with their fingers left on the rim either take a drink or give a drink, depending on the accuracy of the person's guess.


O-Town - Liquid Dreams

YouTube took our video down, but don't worry, it's still on MTV

Drink every time:
-- The liquid penis appears (0:06)
-- Every time a celebrity is mentioned
-- There is a liquid girl
-- O-Town appears in the background

As a bonus round, check out their Miss America 2000 and drink every time you flinch at how off key they are. This is not a joke or a drill.

This drinking game is brought to you in collaboration with Feed It To My Goldfish's Boy Band Battle Royale!



Grab your copy of Settlers of Catan (which is, we promise, much less nerdy than it sounds or looks), grab some drinks and add these rules.

Settlers of Catan Drinking Game

Drink once every time:
-- You collect a resource
-- You use a port
-- You trade in four of one resource to the bank
-- You lose longest road
-- You swear at someone / become overly invested in the game

Drink TWICE every time:
-- The robber blocks you from getting a resource
-- You barter. (this can be two or more. For instance - "I will trade you a sheep for a wood if you also take three drinks")

If you're feeling so inclined, you can also make drinks corresponding to each resource. Our suggestions are:

Wheat - beer
Wood - Gin & Tonic
Brick - Vodka Cran
Ore - Rum & Coke
Sheep - Whiskey Sour

Be sure to waterfall for every Catan-related pun you make.


Rebecca Black - Friday

YouTube Link (opens in new window)

Drinking Game Rules

Divide into two teams.
One team drinks every time for 'party' and 'front seat'. One team drinks for 'fun' and 'back seat'.

ALSO everyone drink every time:
-- She says a day of the week
-- Someone has braces
-- Waterfall during the rap

Horse Race

Drinking Game Rules

Pick someone to be the announcer. The announcer will start by shuffling through the deck and picking out the four aces and laying them face up side by side at the end of the table. These aces will be the 'horses'. The announcer then picks between six and eight cards and lays them face down perpendicular to the aces along the side of the table.

Players then place bets on the 'horses'. Usually something like 'five on diamonds' is acceptable, but feel free to get as fancy as you want. Be warned though, if you lose you have to drink your own bet!

Then the game starts. The announcer starts by flipping over the first card of the deck. Only the suit matters. The ace that matches that suit advances down the line of cards. This continues until one of the aces passes the final link / card into the 'winners circle.'

Losers drink their bets, winners dole out their drinks to others.


If you so choose, you can add a 'jump' to the track by stacking two cards on the links instead of one. The suit must be drawn twice for the horse to clear the jump.

Thanks Lucie!


This game often goes by another name. In the interest of not being dicks, we changed it to something (slightly) less offensive.

Drinking Game Rules

Grab a deck of cards. Pick a person to start as the dealer. Go around the circle clockwise.

The dealer will face the person to their left. The dealer flips over the card on the top of the deck. The dealer and the person then race to say a word that begins with the same letter as the number/face on the card.
(eg - if the dealer flips over a 2, 'turtle', 'trust', 'taint' are all acceptable. Numbers are NOT acceptable, so 'thirteen' or 'twice' would not be a valid answer.)

If the dealer wins, they continue holding the cards and move around the circle to the next person. If the dealer loses, the person who won takes the cards and becomes the dealer.

When you lose, you drink.


In case of a tie, don't fight. Just drink and repeat the round.


Total Eclipse of the Heart

YouTube Link (opens in new window)
Alternate Version

Drink for every:
-- 'turn around'
-- 'tonight'
-- Two drinks every time they say "total eclipse of the heart"

Not enough? Waterfall during the instrumental


Glee - Teenage Dream

YouTube Link (opens in new window)

Drink every time:

-- The camera pans to Kurt and he fawns
-- Someone fist pumps
-- The dancers touch their hearts
-- The dude in the black sweater dances awkwardly.


Power Hour App

In the course of our refound love for power hours, we found a Power Hour app!

This App will actually take any playlist in your iTunes and take 60 second snippets of each song. As far as we can tell, it's legitimate and works pretty well. It's only for Macs, so you PC users are on your own.

Download it here.

What's your favorite beer to power hour with? We're partial to Miller Lite.

Ke$ha - Blow

YouTube Link (opens in new window)

Drink once for:

-- "Uzbekistan"
-- any time Ke$ha does anything suggestive with her tongue
-- every piece of clothing that is removed
-- every pun involving James Van Der Beek's name
-- pelvic thrusting
-- "lactose gold"

Finish your drink:

-- when the unicorn stares directly into your soul / the camera

(thanks EB and Allison!)