

This game often goes by another name. In the interest of not being dicks, we changed it to something (slightly) less offensive.

Drinking Game Rules

Grab a deck of cards. Pick a person to start as the dealer. Go around the circle clockwise.

The dealer will face the person to their left. The dealer flips over the card on the top of the deck. The dealer and the person then race to say a word that begins with the same letter as the number/face on the card.
(eg - if the dealer flips over a 2, 'turtle', 'trust', 'taint' are all acceptable. Numbers are NOT acceptable, so 'thirteen' or 'twice' would not be a valid answer.)

If the dealer wins, they continue holding the cards and move around the circle to the next person. If the dealer loses, the person who won takes the cards and becomes the dealer.

When you lose, you drink.


In case of a tie, don't fight. Just drink and repeat the round.

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