

This has quickly become a new party staple for how quick and dirty it is!

You will need:
Cups (one more than there are people)
One ping pong ball

1. Grab some cups (one more cup than there are people) and sit in a circle. Set the cups up in a circle with one cup in the middle. Each of these cups will belong to one of you, so it's usually recommended to touch the cup you think is yours before you start.

2. Fill each cup on the outer circle with a reasonable, quickly chuggable amount of beer. Fill the middle cup much fuller (as full as you are feeling adventurous.)

3. One person starts by trying to bounce the ping pong ball into one of the cups.
     a) If it lands in a cup that belongs to someone else, that person has to drink their drink.
     b) If it lands in your own cup, you get to choose who drinks.
     c) If it lands in the center cup, everyone drinks their own cup as fast as they can and slams it back on the table. Last person to finish has to drink the center cup.

4. If you miss, just pass it to the next person.

That's it! Have fun!

Optional: We've discovered adding a "questions" round makes this game go a little slower (it is VERY fast paced). Every time the ball bounces in someone else's cup, you get to ask them a question. If it lands in your own cup, you ask a question to everyone, but you still pick. If it lands in the middle, everyone drinks as usual.

1 comment:

  1. when we play this, we play flip cup if the ball goes in the center. you chug your drink, the play flip cup...that last person to flip their cup drinks. we also use any type of alcohol, and everyone contributes to the center cup.
